
Q: Where will my massage or bodywork session take place?
A: Your massage or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, private room. Soft music may be
played to help you relax. You will lie on a table especially designed for your comfort.
Q: Who will perform the massage or bodywork?
A: Your session will be conducted by a trained professional who has received proper education, often in a
variety of techniques. All of our massage and bodywork practitioners are certified by the state of Texas.
Although no two massages are exactly alike, you may request a certain technique or modality. You may also
request your preference as to a male or female therapist.
Q: Must I be completely undressed?
A: Most massage and bodywork techniqies are traditionally performed with the client unclothed; however, you
may decide what amount of clothing you prefer to wear for your own comfort. You will be properly covered or
draped during the session.
Q: Will the practitioner be present when I disrobe?
A: The practitioner will leave the room before you undress. Relax on the table and cover yourself with a
clean sheet or towel.
Q: Will I be covered during the session?
A: You will be properly draped at all times to keep you warm and comfortable. Only the area being worked on
will be exposed.
Q: What parts of my body will be massaged?
A: You and the practitioner will discuss the desired outcome of your session.This will determine which parts
of your body require massage. A typical full-body session will include work on your back, arms, legs, feet,
hands, head, neck, and shoulders. You will not be touched on or near your genitals or breasts.
Q: Will lubricant be used?
A: A light oil or lotion may be used to permit your muscles to be worked on without causing excessive friction
to the skin. The lubricants used should hydrate the skin and be readily absorbed.
Q: What will the massage or bodywork feel like?
A: It depends on the techniques used. In a general Swedish massage, your session may start with broad, flowing
strokes which will help to calm your nervous system and relax exterior muscle tension. As your body becomes
relaxed, pressure will gradually be increased to relax specific areas and relieve areas of muscular tension.
You should communicate immediately if you feel any discomfort so that another approach may be taken. Massage
and bodywork are most effective when your body is not resisting.
Q: Are there different kinds of massage and bodywork?
A: There are numerous types of massage and bodywork; various techniques utlilize different strokes, including
basic rubbing strokes, rocking movement, posture and movement re-education, application of pressure to specific
points, and more. Ask the practitioner about the methods he or she uses.
Q: How long will the session last?
A: The average full-body massage or bodywork session lasts approximately one hour. A half-hour appointment only
allows time for a partial massage session, such as neck and shoulders, back or legs and feet. Many people prefer
a 60-to-90 minute session for optimal relaxation. Always allow relaxation time prior to and after the
Q: What should I do during the massage or bodywork session?
A: Make yourself comfortable. The practitioner will either gently move you or tell you what is needed throughtout
the session (such as rolling over). Many people just close their eyes and completely relax. Others like to talk
during their session. Feel free to ask the practitioner questions about massage and bodywork in general or
about the particular techniques you are receiving.
If you have any more questions, please give us call. 972-256-3565